Things to Know about Radon when Selling your House

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Radon mitigation and radon testing for selling a home is a very important thing to make sure is completed before you try and sell your home.  This deadly gas has been found in homes all over the county and can be quite a problem in some homes without the homeowner even realizing it. Whether your home is new or old, the same problems can be present. Because this gas is emitted from soil and rock and even water, it can affect the air that you breath and can end up causing lung cancer if not found quickly. It is reported that this radioactive gas is the second most cause of lung cancer. AmeriServ, we can be your radon mitigation Iowa service provider.

When you decide to sell your home, be aware that most home buyers will want to see some type of radon testing report to make sure they are not purchasing a home that is going to put them at risk. The testing should be done in the lowest level of the home that will most likely be used by a family as living space as this is where they will be spending the most time. Two short-term tests should be conducted at the same time for 48 hours when needing to get a quick result for selling your home.  Once the test is completed, getting it to a testing lab quickly will get the best results. If high levels of radon are detected, getting the problem resolved quickly is very important.

Some ways that radon can be mitigated in the home are to make sure there is proper water drainage in your basement area and also to seal the basement foundation. Another method that is used is active soil depressurization which uses a fan to pull out the gas from under the foundation.

AmeriServ Radon Mitigation Iowa is a company you can trust when it comes time to test your home for radon and/or to get rid of it if it is detected. Call AmeriServ today for you radon mitigation Iowa and radon testing needs today.